Italian Monuments


Municipality of Monte Sant'Angelo, Former Library

Region: Puglia
Province: Foggia
Municipality: Monte Sant’Angelo
Address: Corso Vittorio Emanuele 247
Coordinates: 41°42’26.84’’N – 15°57’25.59’’E
Property: Municipality of Monte Sant’Angelo
Tipology: Public Building
Period: 1950s


Monte Sant’Angelo is an important pilgrimage destination for the cult of San Michele Arcangelo. The sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo is among the older in Europe and the first dedicated to the Michaelic cult. This sanctuary is important for the historical passage of pilgrims, emperors and saints who came from all over Europe. It was recognized, in 2011, as a world heritage site by UNESCO.
The city is situated at 823 meters above sea level and is the highest elevated inhabited center of the Gargano. There you can enjoy a panoramic view open to the south on the Golfo di Manfredonia and to the west on the Tavoliere plain.
Given the historical relation with pilgrimage, the city is already equipped with a series of accommodations that meet the needs of those who travel by foot.

The building related to TheRout_Net project is an early twentieth century building located in the heart of the old town, in Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 200 meters away from the sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo. One main offices of the Study Center for the Via Micaelica is close by. Initially split into several lots owned by different people, the structure has been acquired by the municipality. 

Enhancement proposal

The refurbishment will affect the two floors of the building. It will accommodate about 20 units, improving the existing hospitality infrastructure in a strategic area of ​​the network of slow tourism and cultural itineraries at an international level.


September 2019 / November 2023
€ 21.115.000,00
€ 17.947.750,00
€ 3.167.250,00

This project is co-funded by European Union, European Regional Development Fund (E.R.D.F.) and by National Funds of Greece and Italy.

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