Italian Monuments


Municipality of Pietramontecorvino, Preta Museum in the Norman Tower

Region: Puglia
Province: Foggia
Municipality: Pietramontecorvino
Address: Via Arco Ducale, 71038
Coordinates: 41°32’28.0″N 15°07’32.6″E
Property: Municipality of Pietramontecorvino
Tipology: Public Building
Period: 1300


The tower of the Borgo di Pietramontecorvino has an almost square plan (12.20×12.60 m) and is
spread over six levels (surmounted by a flat terrace), approximately 30 meters high.
The first document that concerns it directly, dating back to 1309, already presents it as ‘old and ruined’. The origin of this building, therefore, is much earlier, and two other documents allow us to speculate on the period. The ‘Catalogue of the Barons informs us that in the second half of the 12th century, Pietra was a ‘fief of two soldiers’, while a donation of 1218 presents the settlement as ‘Castel di Pietra’. It is probable, therefore, that the tower was built as an essential architectural element of the castle before the latter date.
The entrance is currently surmounted by a machicolation made of bricks. One of the most characteristic elements of the Pietra tower is the spiral staircase made entirely of wood located on the west side.
The construction techniques and characteristics of the Pietramontecorvino tower seem to be related to the military architecture of the late Norman and Swabian periods.
The imposing turreted building, which still dominates the village of Pietramontecorvino today, was probably conceived for defensive purposes but also as a symbol of power, as shown by the rooms and the care devoted to the tower. The rooms and the care devoted to realising furnishings and architectural elements with decorative values probably also indicate its residential vocation and use.

Enhancement proposal

The tower is a historical and architectural heritage in itself, but the TheRout_Net project intends to extend the storytelling of the architecture of the Norman tower to the history linked to the Monti Dauni area with an innovative museographic project. The project will display the findings from excavations and studies ranging from the prehistoric age to the Middle Ages, narrating the history and transformations of the Monti Dauni landscape, focusing on the medieval period.


September 2019 / November 2023
€ 21.115.000,00
€ 17.947.750,00
€ 3.167.250,00

This project is co-funded by European Union, European Regional Development Fund (E.R.D.F.) and by National Funds of Greece and Italy.

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